The third CUI Graduate Days on Campus Bahrenfeld and for the first time in Jungiusstraße have offered many new perspectives into research. 78 scientists used the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in their own research fields, while at the same time getting an overview on neighboring fields and experiencing soft skill topics.
The broad program was again directed to Master’s and PhD students plus Postdoctoral researchers; six speakers from Italy, Switzerland, USA, Germany and the Netherlands offered scientific lectures on different research approaches. „I listened especially to lectures concerning my own research and got new approaches and perspectives onto my own research,” says Emanuelle Minutella from the Institute of Physical Chemistry (Universität Hamburg), who attended the Graduate Days for the first time. Helen Bieker, PhD student in the field of Controlled Molecule Imaging, adds: “I received a good overview on a variety of topics and could refresh some fundamentals. I liked especially the lab tours where I could take a peek at unknown laboratories.”
Moreover, the participants found practical approaches in the soft-skill curses. Rob Thompson, coach and founder of RTTA, presented interpersonal skills with his talk about “Communication – Negotiate – Resolve”. Monica Schofield and Dr. Margarete Remmert-Rieper (both TuTech Innovation GmbH) informed the students about possibilities regarding start-ups. In Jungiusstraße Bernd Klein (Bodenseo) talked about the programming course Python and Bodo P. Krause-Kyora (Universität Hamburg) informed about the programming technology CUDA. Dr. Solveig Moré, patent attorney at df-mp in Munich, answered the question “How to turn your innovations to money and how to protect them” at the Industry Event. Prof. Boris Altshuler (Columbia University) gave a historical review on Anderson localization during the colloquium.
„The Graduate Days were successful and especially the new format with four days instead of three was highly appreciated,” states Dr. Antonio Negretti, coordinator of the Graduate School. The colloquium with Prof. Altshuler and the lecture courses by Mr. Haas were well received. Particularly the lab tours were appreciated. We´ll surely offer them again next year,” he says.