On Wednesday, 29 June, Mildred Dresselhaus Awardee Prof. Elspeth Garman (University of Oxford) will host a session on poster presentation.
The session with the title “Presenting a Poster Like a Pro: Elspeth Garman’s First Aid For The Upcoming Conference Season” starts at 5.30 pm in the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, seminar room IV.
For 1.5 hours, the group will discuss the principles of effective poster design and their presentation at scientific conferences. Topics covered include: choosing a conference, writing suitable abstracts, good poster design, what happens at poster sessions, how to present your poster, how poster judging works, and how to optimise your chances of winning a poster prize. Participants will be asked to comment on example posters displayed around the room and feed this back to the group.
To register please send an email to marie.lutz@cui.uni-hamburg.de